Start YourFuture Now
Earn up to $100K a year in Mississippi with a high demand career. Let’s check out your options.

What Job Path is Yours?
Find training options near you for Mississippi's hottest jobs. Whether through one of Mississisppi’s Universities, Community Colleges or Technical Programs, our state has you covered. We’ve even broken the state out by region to help you narrow down where you want to be.

See Your Job Profiles and Training Options
If you are looking for career options in Mississippi, consider opportunities in these five areas: Advanced Manufacturing, Energy, Healthcare, Logistics and Information Technology have been identified by leaders as the best areas to look for a high paying, great opportunity.
You can also find training options near you for Mississippi's hottest jobs. Whether through one of Mississippi's Universities, Community Colleges or Technical Programs, our state has you covered. We’ve broken the state out by region to help you narrow down where you want to be.

Great Jobs are right
around the corner
Higher Pay Potential
Jobs in these areas earn 2-3 times more than their private sector counterparts.
Job Opportunity
Demand is high. Over 2/3 of the available jobs are for skilled workers in MS, and more are needed.
Work Debt-Free
The vast majority of the available jobs don’t require a college education, which means more money in your pocket.
Earn Time-and-a-Half
Most employers say overtime hours are available for those who want to significantly increase their paycheck.
Freedom To Go
Want to stay close to home? Employers in your area are hiring right now. Want to travel? Good news! Your training is in demand across the nation.
Made in the USA
More domestic manufacturing means a stronger US economy and a safer America.