Commercial Electricians
Average starting salaries are $16.83 an hour, while experienced professionals earn an average of $31.25 an hour.
Sector: Ag/Construction/Logistics
Commercial Electricians are responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical systems in commercial buildings. They ensure that all electrical components are functioning safely and efficiently.
Development Timeframe:
4-5 years, including apprenticeship.
Job Locations in Mississippi:
- Jackson Metro Area
- Gulf Coast
- Hattiesburg
- Meridian

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You can join one of our 4-year apprenticeships to learn a career-building skill and start making money immediately.
We currently offer four apprenticeships
- Electrical
- Plumbing
- Sheet Metal
The Electrical Technology program is offered on the Wesson Campus and prepares individuals to install, operate, maintain, and repair electrical systems. These systems include residential, commercial, and industrial wiring, motor controls, and electrical distribution panels. The program offers extensive hands-on training in electrical troubleshooting and the development of problem-solving skills in industrial electrical procedures, programmable logic controllers, and process control.
Electricians not only install and maintain power lines, but they help to set up the entire electrical system starting with the power plants where electricity is generated and ending with the machines that use the electricity. Electricians keep electrical systems working properly and keep the deadly current safely insulated from human contact.
Electricians can be employed by industries both large and small, by electrical power companies, and in the construction industry.
Electrical workers have very strenuous and sometimes stressful jobs. The work requires standing for long periods of time and performing manual labor. They often work in dirty and confined environments, which may also be hot, cold, wet, or subjected to any number of adverse conditions. Electrical systems are often outside of climate controls because they are outside of the areas of normally occupied by people. Electrical workers also rick serious injury and even death due to electrocution.
East Mississippi Community College is proud to offer a two semester vocational certificate at the Scooba campus and the Communiversity and a four-semester Associates of Applied Sciences degree in Electrical Technology at the Communiversity. New students can begin this course of study in the Fall semester only. The course is being offered as a late-start program on our Scooba campus for the Fall 2021 term, with classes beginning Sept. 13. Coursework focuses on the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, install, maintain, and troubleshoot various electrical systems through topics such as blueprint reading, residential/commercial/industrial wiring, job cost estimation, electrical power, and programmable logic controllers. All classes are taught in a laboratory setting, allowing for hands-on experience with the latest technology.
Electro-Mechanical Technology is a technical program designed to prepare students for entry-level employment as multi-skilled industrial maintenance technicians. Electro-mechanical technicians are responsible for assembling, installing, and maintaining/repairing electrical, mechanical, and automated equipment used in manufacturing or industrial environment. Students receive basic instruction in a wide variety of areas including safety, machinery maintenance and trouble-shooting/service, blueprint reading, basic machining, fundamentals of industrial electricity, CAD, fluid power, industrial controls, and PLC programming.
The Electrical Technology program prepares students to install, operate, maintain and repair electrical systems such as residential, commercial and industrial wiring; D.C. and A.C. motors; electrical controls and electrical distribution panels. The program offers extensive hands-on training in electrical troubleshooting and the development of problem-solving skills in industrial electrical procedures, programmable logic controllers and process control. Upon completion of the two-year curriculum, the students will be awarded an Associate of Applied Science degree in Electrical Technology. Successful completion of 30 hours in the selected discipline entitles the individual to receive a Career Certificate.
Electricity is an integral part of everyday life. Almost every new technological device needs some type of electrical supply. For this and many other reasons, Electrical Technicians are and will remain in great demand. From simply wiring a residence to being able to program the controllers for a major manufacturing plant, today’s electrical technician will require a strong background of technical knowledge.
Our program has instruction and training in general electrical theory; residential, commercial and industrial wiring; the National Electrical Code; Electrical motor maintenance; Motor control systems; Programmable logic controls; Solid state motor controls and automated electrical system. The Electrical Technology Program works with the Mississippi Construction Education Foundation to provide national certification to its students in Core Construction, Electrical Level 1 and Electrical Level 2. These certifications are through the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER).
This one-year program prepares students to install, operate, maintain, and repair electrical systems; including residential, commercial & industrial wiring, motor controls, and electrical distribution panels. Students get extensive hands-on training in electrical troubleshooting and development of problem-solving skills in residential, commercial, and industrial electrical procedures.
The Electrical Technology Program prepares individuals to install, operate, maintain and repair electrically-energized systems, such as residential, commercial, and industrial electrical wiring and DC and AC motors, controls and electrical distribution panels. Instruction in the use of test equipment is also included.
This program is eligible for scholarships offered by the Lowe’s Foundation to fund innovative training programs to community and technical colleges across the U.S. to support skilled trades workforce development initiatives through it’s first-ever round of Lowe’s Foundation Gable Grants.
The Post-Secondary Electrical Technology program prepares individuals to install, operate, maintain, and repair electrically-energized systems such as residential, commercial, and industrial electric wiring, and DC and AC motors, controls, and electrical distribution panels. Instruction in the use of test equipment is included.
The Electrical Technology instructional emphasis is on theory, circuits, testing, schematic/blueprint drawing and reading, digital principles design basics, motor and control devices, and wire installation with construction and industrial equipment.
Industrial Engineering Technology program
The Industrial Engineering Technology program is designed to prepare graduates for a career in the installations, maintenance, testing, and repair of industrial electrical and electronic equipment and systems. This program introduces the fundamentals of electricity, electronics, digital techniques, electrical power distribution, motor controls, fluid power systems, programmable logic controllers, and automation systems.
The program prepares individuals to install, operate, maintain, and repair electrical systems such as residential, commercial, and industrial electrical wiring, conduit systems, commercial lighting, DC motors, AC motors, motor controls, programmable logic control, and electrical distribution panels.
The postsecondary Electrical Technology program prepares individuals to install, operate, maintain, and repair electrically-energized systems such as residential, commercial, and industrial electric wiring, and D.C. and A.C. motors, controls, and electrical distribution panels. Instruction in the use of test equipment is included. An Associate of Applied Science degree is awarded upon successful completion of the two year program. Students will also be subject to participate in the NCCER Certification during the progression of the program.