Network Analyst
Most companies and organizations use computers connected to networks, which usually require one or more professionals to maintain the systems. Network specialists are the main professionals who help manage these systems

Salary Range Potential:
$60,000+ /YEAR
Education Required:
Community College or Technical Degree
Skills Needed:
Critical Thinking, Active Listening, Computer Proficiency, Software Development
Types of Employers:
Legal And Medical Offices, Schools, Government Agencies, Private Enterprises, Financial Companies
Job Description
Information technology is at the heart of virtually every business today. As an IT professional, you will be a company’s “go-to” resource for vital tasks like network management, software development and database administration. IT specialists may also provide technical support and training to other employees within an organization. As technology continues to constantly change and evolve, employers need trained IT professionals to keep their systems and employees up-to-date and operating at peak efficiency. Because of this, demand is expecting to grow rapidly in the near future.

Training Opportunities
This program offers training in telecommunications, network administration, and client/server systems. An AAS degree is earned upon successful completion of the Computer Networking Technology curriculum.
Pre-requisites required:Applicants must meet HCC admission requirements. It is recommended that applicants have a minimum ACT score of 18.
Length of Program:One year Certificate | 2 Year Associate of Applied Science
Summary of Program Requirements:Applicants must meet HCC admission requirements. It is recommended that applicants have a minimum ACT score of 18.
Skills NeededCritical Thinking, Active Listening, Computer Proficiency, Software Development,
Computer Networking Technology is a two-year program designed to prepare students for employment as network technicians, network administrators and PC technicians. Students gain experience with router configuration and setup, switch configuration and setup, PC installation, maintenance and troubleshooting, network security and experience with two different network operating systems. Upon completion of the two-year curriculum, the student will be awarded an Associate of Applied Science degree in Computer Networking Technology.
Pre-requisites required:Applicants must apply and be accepted to ICC.
Length of Program:2 year Associate of Applied Science
Summary of Program Requirements:Applicants must apply and be accepted to ICC.
Skills NeededCritical Thinking, Active Listening, Computer Proficiency, Software Development,
The Information Systems Technology program, located on the Senatobia campus, provides a student with the knowledge to develop and implement business applications using a variety of programming languages or administer network operating systems
Pre-requisites required:Applicants must apply and be accepted to Northwest Community College.
Length of Program:Career or Technical Certificate | Associate of Applied Science
Summary of Program Requirements:Applicants must apply and be accepted to Northwest Community College.
Skills NeededCritical Thinking, Active Listening, Computer Proficiency, Software Development,