Automotive Technician
To guarantee that a car continues to function as it should requires regular maintenance. An automobile technician is a mechanic specializing in the maintenance and repair of cars.

Salary Range Potential:
$43,000+ /YEAR
Education Required:
Community College or Technical Degree
Skills Needed:
Computer Proficiency, Mechanical, Problem Solving, Motor Skills
Types of Employers:
Automotive Parts And Accessories, Hvac
Job Description
We rely on our cars to get us where we need to go, and automotive technicians work in a challenging and fast-paced environment helping us get back on the road. An automotive technician helps people with their car problems. It’s their job to diagnose the issue, order the necessary parts, and repair it. This involves using a wide variety of tools and testing equipment. To do well in this position, you will need to have excellent technical skills have solid interpersonal and customer service skills, as you often interact directly with clients.

Training Opportunities
Automotive Technology provides the graduate with the basic skills and the technical knowledge to diagnose properly and repair late model vehicles, along with problem-solving techniques, and computer diagnosis. Automotive classes/laboratories and academic coursework are taught during the second year of study. Automotive Technology also offers a one-year career certificate program.
Pre-requisites required:Applicants must apply for East Mississippi admission and be accepted. This program requires an ACT Score of 16 in the Composite and Math areas as well as a Silver Certificate on the Work keys exam. A passing score of 55% on the BMCT (Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test) is also required. Students are required to furnish their own set of tools while in the training program; a tool list is supplied to the student at registration. Each student will be responsible for purchasing a lab coat to be worn while performing shop activities. An approved list of lab coat options will be provided by the program instructor.
Length of Program:2 years
Summary of Program Requirements:Applicants must apply for East Mississippi admission and be accepted. This program requires an ACT Score of 16 in the Composite and Math areas as well as a Silver Certificate on the Work keys exam. A passing score of 55% on the BMCT (Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test) is also required. Students are required to furnish their own set of tools while in the training program; a tool list is supplied to the student at registration. Each student will be responsible for purchasing a lab coat to be worn while performing shop activities. An approved list of lab coat options will be provided by the program instructor.
Skills NeededComputer Proficiency, Mechanical, Problem Solving, Motor Skills
The Automotive Technology program is an instructional program that prepares individuals to engage in the servicing and maintenance of all types of automobiles. Instruction includes the diagnosis of malfunctions of all eight areas of ASE/NATEF certification (Engine Repair, Electrical & Electronic Systems, Engine Performance, Brakes, Steering & Suspension Systems, Manual Drive Trains & Axles, Automatic Transmissions & Transaxles, Heating & Air Conditioning).
Pre-requisites required:Applicants must meet HCC admission requirements.
Length of Program:2 years
Summary of Program Requirements:Applicants must meet HCC admission requirements.
Skills NeededComputer Proficiency, Mechanical, Problem Solving, Motor Skills
At ICC, the Automotive Technology curriculum is designed to give the student a thorough knowledge of the total operation of todays??s automobile. The student studies the technical aspects of diagnosing, repairing, rebuilding, replacing and servicing automobile components and systems. Graduates of the program will possess skills in component diagnosis, removal, repair and replacement; troubleshooting; service, maintenance and management.
Pre-requisites required:Applicants must apply and be accepted to ICC.
Length of Program:2 years
Summary of Program Requirements:Applicants must apply and be accepted to ICC.
Skills NeededComputer Proficiency, Mechanical, Problem Solving, Motor Skills

ContactRichie Burton662-620-5153crburton@iccms.edu
Brad Crowder662-620-5155bwcrowder@iccms.edu
The Automotive Mechanics and Service Technology program provides the graduate with the basic and technical knowledge needed to repair and service automobiles. The graduate learns troubleshooting, computer diagnosis, parts machining, and repair of automobile concepts. The laboratory is designed and operated in a manner similar to that of an actual automotive mechanics business. Students successfully completing program will receive certificates.
Pre-requisites required:Applicants must apply and be accepted to NEMCC.
Length of Program:2 years
Summary of Program Requirements:Applicants must apply and be accepted to NEMCC.
Skills NeededComputer Proficiency, Mechanical, Problem Solving, Motor Skills

Northeast MS Community College
ContactJerry Palmer662-720-7261jwpalmer@nemcc.edu
Greg Hardin662-720-7400ghardin@nemcc.edu
The Automotive Technology program, on the Senatobia campus, prepares individuals to become automotive service technicians. These technicians inspect, maintain, and repair automobiles and light trucks that run on gasoline, electricity, or alternative fuels, such as ethanol. They perform basic care maintenance, such as oil changes and tire rotations, diagnose more complex problems, and plan and execute vehicle repairs.
Pre-requisites required:Applicant must have a completed application for admission to Northwest. Applicant must: (1) have official copy of ACT or SAT scores (ACT required for Mississippi residents.) with a minimum score of 15 or be eligible to take Intermediate Algebra and English Comp I., (2) provide their own tools, (3) submit an official copy of a transcript from an accredited high school, and (4) CAP program only-Obtain and maintain sponsorship with a qualified Chrysler, Dodge, or Jeep dealership.
Length of Program:2 years
Summary of Program Requirements:Applicant must have a completed application for admission to Northwest. Applicant must: (1) have official copy of ACT or SAT scores (ACT required for Mississippi residents.) with a minimum score of 15 or be eligible to take Intermediate Algebra and English Comp I., (2) provide their own tools, (3) submit an official copy of a transcript from an accredited high school, and (4) CAP program only-Obtain and maintain sponsorship with a qualified Chrysler, Dodge, or Jeep dealership.
Skills NeededComputer Proficiency, Mechanical, Problem Solving, Motor Skills

Northwest MS Community College
ContactJeremy Jarreau662-562-3389kmiller@northwestms.edu
Kevin Miller662-562-3391