Collision Repair Technician
Accidents happen. And that could mean career opportunities for you in Collision Repair Technology.

Salary Range Potential:
$55,000+ /YEAR
Education Required:
Community College or Technical Degree
Skills Needed:
Mechanical Application, Mathematics, Physics, Attention to Detail
Types of Employers:
Construction, Manufacturing, Energy
Job Description
There are more than 260 million vehicles of all sizes on the road today in America alone.
Many of those will be involved in collisions, and that translates into a demand for trained professionals in Collision Repair Technology.
If you’re good at working with your hands and not afraid of technical challenges, this could be the career path for you. Collision Repair Technicians work wonders on damaged vehicles, both commercial and industrial, making them look and drive like new. Because of the complexity of today’s vehicles, a high level of skill is required in modern paint and body shops. Technicians use a wide variety of tools to perform repairs, including computers and high-tech equipment.

Training Opportunities
Collision Repair Technology is an instructional program designed to prepare students for entry level into the collision repair and refinishing trade. Upon completion of this program, students will be prepared for beginning positions as body, frame, and refinish technicians. Students will be provided theory and practical repair and refinish work beginning with basic applications and progressing on to heavy collision repairs requiring major body and frame alignment and panel replacement. Instruction includes all phases necessary to teach collision repair including glass replacement, welding, replacement or hardware and trim items and cosmetic and structural repairs.
Pre-requisites required:Applicants must apply for East Central Community College admission and be accepted.
Length of Program:30 hour Career Certificate | 45 hour Technical Certificate | 60 hour Associate of Applied Science
Summary of Program Requirements:Applicants must apply for East Central Community College admission and be accepted.
Skills NeededMechanical, Customer Service, Public Safety and Security, Problem Solving, Operation and Control of Equipment
The instruction includes all phases necessary to teach collision repair including glass replacement, welding, hardware and trim items replacement, cosmetic repairs, and structural repairs. Industry standards referenced are from the 2016 ASE/NATEF Collision Repair & Refinish Standards (Painting and Refinishing, Non-Structural and Structural Analysis and Damage Repair, Mechanical & Electrical Components).
Pre-requisites required:Applicants must meet HCC admission requirements.
Length of Program:Associate of Applied Science (AAS), Advanced Technical Certificate and Technical Certificate.
Summary of Program Requirements:Applicants must meet HCC admission requirements.
Skills NeededMechanical, Customer Service, Public Safety and Security, Problem Solving, Operation and Control of Equipment
The Itawamba Community College Collision Repair Technology program prepares students to repair various kinds of vehicle damage. Graduates should be able to repair or replace body components, paint the vehicle, install all glass in the body, check the underbody for possible frame misalignments, perform minor frame repair and estimate collision damage.
Pre-requisites required:Applicants must apply and be accepted to ICC.
Length of Program:2 year Associate of Applied Science
Summary of Program Requirements:Applicants must apply and be accepted to ICC.
Skills NeededMechanical, Customer Service, Public Safety and Security, Problem Solving, Operation and Control of Equipment
The Collision Repair Program is a four semester certificate program offering training in the latest methods and skills involved in the estimating, repairing, refinishing, and realignment of motor vehicles. Program graduates will receive certificates.
Pre-requisites required:Applicants must apply and be accepted to NEMCC.
Length of Program:4 Semester Certificate Program
Summary of Program Requirements:Applicants must apply and be accepted to NEMCC.
Skills NeededMechanical, Customer Service, Public Safety and Security, Problem Solving, Operation and Control of Equipment
This program is designed to provide you with the latest in practical, hands-on coursework driven by current industry standards. This means that what you learn in the collision lab is what you'll use in the repair shops in your hometown and across the nation. Students in our programs work on "live" jobs, cars and trucks that need to be repaired. We are located on the Senatobia campus.
Pre-requisites required:Applicants must apply for Northwest admission and also be accepted. Program admittance is competitive due to the large number of students interested in the program. Passing a drug screen and obtaining the necessary tools are required for program admissions. Program admission is only in the fall semester.
Length of Program:10 Months
Summary of Program Requirements:Applicants must apply for Northwest admission and also be accepted. Program admittance is competitive due to the large number of students interested in the program. Passing a drug screen and obtaining the necessary tools are required for program admissions. Program admission is only in the fall semester.
Skills NeededMechanical, Customer Service, Public Safety and Security, Problem Solving, Operation and Control of Equipment